Hey folks!
After the success of the build workshop I've had a bit of an idea I hope some of you might be interested in!?
Would anyone be up for a Build program lasting 8 weeks with access to 2 sessions per week?
This will be a kind of amalgamation of build+ and Valkyrie just without a games day or a gender barrier.
Sessions will likely be Tuesday evenings (7pm) and Saturday mornings (10.30am) as it's all my schedule allows.
Pricing will be dependent on the commitments of the client with those wanting full access getting a discount, people only making a specific day and then any extra spaces will be on a pay as you go.
Anyone who was at the workshop knows the limited space we have so this will only be open to 6 people per session.
Any questions or thoughts let me know and I'll pop a poll up to guage who'd be up for what
build program
0%id love to join on both days
0%i could only commit to one day
0%id only manage the odd session here and their
0%sounds shite count me out
I could do Saturday