Past Client Experiences
What People Say
Read past client reviews to discover how Dan Kyle PT has helped to transform their lives. They found help when they seeked it, and you can do the same. Fill out the form below and book your initial consultation today.
For many years I've had challenges with my mental health which came to a head towards the end of 2018. Three days into a 2019 I decided I would be in charge of my mental well being and made 2019 my year of getting better. One aspect of this journey lead me to Dan, as I was acutely aware of the link between exercise and mental health.
I scanned the PT page on pure gyms website looking for someone with availability around times that suited me and for a bio that resented with me. Dan's jumped out and I went with it as I was very much looking to make progress quickly.
I felt we had a connection quickly and a similar sense of humour. When hitting the gym regularly with someone, you have to have both.
My mental health has improved a lot. While not perfect, without doing this I would have been in a much different place. Dan has helped me see that I can achieve and I can make progress and I have self worth.
ive often came to the gym with a face like a sour plum and Dan has helped turn me into a positive peach. Those times made me happy for sure. All ssessions do to be honest.
Dan had incrementally improved his PT skilllset with various courses and in turn offerings to his service. A good example is his boxercise classes and monthly meal plan guides that really add value.
I'd recommend Dan as he's a pleasure to work with and very motivational. He tries tierdlesly to help his clients make progress and cares a great deal.
Originally I wanted to lose weight. Get fitter and healthier. However, my goals have recently changed to encompass strength training so that I can one day compete in a strong man competition.
You were recommended to me by a few guys that went to pure gym who told me you were an excellent PT. This information was enough for me.
I was sold on your motivation to help me and your energy to get me on a better path even though I just met you.
I have over come many different challenges whilst working with you but the biggest was actually just getting started and having the confidence to attend the gym on my own.
Im happiest now I found a sport I could fall in love with - Strength training and powerlifting. Also going from never deadlifting to lifting body weight in a matter of weeks was badass
Your enthusiasm to motivate me to achieve my goals has far exceeded my expectations.
I would totally recommend you as you have a verity if skills and knowledge about health and fitness to pass on and not just one speciality. You are also very realistic approach to how life affects us outside the gym for example work schedules. And finally you don’t go form 0 to 60 in no time at all. You break us in gently to stop us from quitting which is still helping me to this day.
In our short time together I feel better than I have done for years. I have finally found a sport that a absolutely love and I know that I will achieve my goals with Dan’s help.
I Wasn’t seeing the results in the gym and didn’t have the confidence to do a work out on my own.
Being friendly and easygoing made you stand out and appeal to me.
The work out plan was structured to make me feel comfortable and work well for me and my training
I have achieved going in to the weight section on my own, lifting more than what I thought I could do.
I can’t pin point a happiest moment as I look forward to every session as they are always full of banter and great workouts.
I have gotten a lot stronger, more confident and seeing the results I’m aiming for
I recommend you constantly to friends as if you don’t have a Dan in your life then you’re missing out.
Great pt who makes it fun to work out! Zoe
I was getting very lazy, no motivation and unhealthy! Always knew you’d be the right man to get me back on my feet.
Seeing what you had managed to achieve over the years before becoming a PT, with your health & fitness, and just because your a genuine down to earth guy I knew you’d be great to work with.
As soon as I messaged you the first time, and you pretty much got back to me straight away I was sold! What you were offering sounded great, good price & very professional. So was buzzing to get started.
My confidence has shot through the roof, not just in the gym, but in general, it’s still baby steps but you help me a lot! You make me feel like the only person in the gym and I take that out with me in day to day experiences aswel.
The whole experience with you is always happy, but my favourite is when we get the gloves on and do some boxing, it lets me get rid of anything that might be biting on my shoulder that week.
I actually talk about you a lot to others, say how great a a PT & overall guy you are to work with, if any my friends are looking to get fit I’d definitely recommend you.
Lets kick on, and achieve my goals. Ryan Gibson
I was keen to lose weight but I wasn't very confident going to the gym as I wasn't sure what exercises I should be doing or if I was doing them correctly. I'd tried following workouts I'd found online, but was never sure if I was performing the exercises correctly or if they were the right exercises for me to be doing, which made me feel very self conscious in the gym. I therefore tended to only attend a few of the classes that I'd found that I enjoyed.
A friend suggested that a PT would be a good option to help increase my confidence in the gym and provide me with a programme to follow when I visited the gym.
I'd attended a number of Dan's classes, particularly his Saturday afternoon classes, and really enjoyed them. I was a little nervous about what working with a PT would be like on a one-to-one basis, but thought with Dan, at least it would be fun and less intimidating!
From working with Dan, I'm now much more confident going to the gym on my own - and now even regularly visit the scary free weights area! I feel much less self conscious when I'm at the gym and enjoy having a plan of what I need to do each visit. The PT sessions themselves aren't as scary as I'd imagined - I don't feel nearly as self conscious as I thought I would!
Dan makes going to the gym fun and he encourages me to go. There have been weeks where I've really not wanted to go for various reasons, but I've dragged myself along, and after spending an hour with Dan, I've always left the gym feeling much better and glad I went! He also encourages me to push myself during every session so I feel like I'm making real progress.
Dan continues to motivate me to do my best and push myself. Even when I doubt myself, his encouragement helps me push through to continue pursuing my goals. He's also introduced a monthly cook book which helps me with new ideas in the kitchen.
I would definitely recommend Dan to anyone looking for a PT. I generally look forward to my training sessions with Dan as he makes going to the gym enjoyable and keeps me motivated - even at times when I feel like I can't be bothered!
I'd encourage anyone who's considering PT but not sure if it's right for them, to give it a try. I was in that same position, and am so pleased that I took the plunge and contacted Dan. He's helped me build my confidence, lose some weight and generally not dread walking into the gym! I'm looking forward to seeing what more I can achieve with Dan's support. Laura